1、She was surprised to receive a summons to testify in court as a witness.(她驚訝地收到了壹份傳票,要求她作為證人在法庭上作證。)
2、The board of directors issued a summons for the shareholders to attend the annual meeting.(董事會發布了召喚書,要求股東們參加年度會議。)
3、The police officer will deliver a summons to the suspect to appear in court.(警官將向嫌疑人送達傳票,要求其出庭。)
4、He was worried when he received a summons from the tax office for an audit.(他收到了稅務局的召喚書,要求接受審計,他很擔心。)
5、The judge may issue a summons for a defendant to appear in court to plead their case.(法官可以發布召喚書,要求被告出庭辯護。)