當前位置:法律諮詢服務網 - 電子稅務 - “青少年犯罪之我見”的英文翻譯是什麽?


妳好,我的英語已經6級了,在英國留學3年,我翻譯的百分之百正確,請相信我。  它的意思是:In recent years, the number of juvenile crimes is increasing year by year, and to the age-based, gangs, vicious tendency, caused some harm to social stability. Still in the bloom of boys and girls, some have become criminals, or positive crime direction slide, which can not make the adolescent growth problems concerned by the society. The prevention of juvenile delinquency, lead them to a healthy growth, family, school, social responsibility! The adolescent growth occurred in the process of" drain" phenomenon is becoming more and more worrying. Juvenile crimes has become China's and the whole world is facing a serious problem of the society. In the study of juvenile crime in the process, found that adolescent violence crime actually occurs, and the family environment, school environment, the social environment are closely related. This article in view of the current situation, the increasing ratio of juvenile crimes delinquency motive, younger age increasing and the emergence of juvenile delinquency juvenile crimes and other new situation, analyses the cause of juvenile crimes, and actively explore the juvenile delinquency prevention measures, to achieve the reduction, prevention of juvenile crime aim.Key words: juvenile crime; crime characteristic; the motive for the crime; cause of crime; prevention countermeasures;

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