當前位置:法律諮詢服務網 - 電子稅務 - 局的英文bureau




1、He works in this?bureau.他在這個局工作過。

2、Tax official: This is the foreign tax?bureau.稅務局:這裏是涉外分局。

3、The goods were inspected by the China Commodity Inspection?Bureau?before shipment.這批貨在裝船前由中國商品檢驗局進行過檢驗。

4、He worked in a travel?bureau.他在壹家旅行社工作。

5、Recently, the Zhejiang Bureau of Surveying and Mapping agencies Party branch, trade union organizations to celebrate the 60th anniversary of founding of new China Knowledge Contest.日前,浙江省測繪局機關黨總支,機關工會開展慶祝新中國成立60周年知識競賽。

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