In 1999, Dell replaced Compaq computer (Compaq) to become the second-largest U.S. PC vendor. In 2002, Dell's status is just acquired to replace the Hewlett-Packard Compaq. However, the first quarter of 2003, Dell regained the leading position. Approved by the company's shareholders on the shareholders' meeting in 2003 when the company gradually developed into other non-computer field, the company changed its name to Dell.
Dell's direct business model, that is, to remove the middlemen sell their products directly to customers, making the company a cheaper price for the customer to provide a variety of products and guarantee delivery. In addition, Dell also ensure that Dell's product has not yet produced has been sold.
Dell is a leading global provider of IT products and services provider, headquartered in Austin, Texas (Austin), including its business to help customers build their information-technology and Internet infrastructure. Dell to become the market leader in fundamental reason: to provide industry-standard technology products and services directly to customers, is committed to providing the best customer experience. Dell is currently a total of 46,000 employees around the world, in the past four quarters, Dell's total turnover reached 41.4 billion U.S. dollars.
Dell PC suppliers, the United States ranked first in 1984 by Michael Dell founded to provide products including servers, storage products, workstations, laptops, desktops, networking products, software and peripheral products such as. Global headquarters is located in Austin, Texas, United States Park using 100% green energy supply.
Dell sells more systems globally than any computer manufacturers, Dell has been able to continue to strengthen its market leading position, its direct sales has consistently adhered to standards-based computing products and services, and to provide the best customer experience.
January 2, 1984, Dell With venture capital of $ 1,000, registered "Dell computer company, operating from the PC business, Dell Computer became the first computer company assembled according to the customer's personal needs, but not after mass-market computer the dealers control system, and direct contact with the end-user. His career is getting busy, the end of the first year of college, Dell is going to drop out entrepreneurial This was the resolute opposition of the parents, in order to break the deadlock, Dell has put forward a compromise solution, if the summer sales do not satisfactory, he would continue to read his medical. His parents to accept his recommendations, because they believe that he simply can not obtain the victory in this struggle. But they are wrong, Dell's performance so that he did not leave any chance to his parents, because only in the first month, he sold $ 180,000 worth of modified PC computer. From then on, he never return to school.
Dell decided to formalize the establishment of the Dell computer company. In October 1987, Dell rely on his extraordinary courage and a keen sense of a lot to eat into the shares of Goldman Sachs in the case of the stock market crash, the second year he profit of $ 18 million. This year, he was only 23 years old, he has taken a solid first step to success.
The young man's body is always full of enthusiasm and courageous, but the corresponding enthusiasm young people too fire. In 1991, the Dell sales reached $ 800,000,000. His position to the company's market share in 1992 to $ 1.5 billion, but the result is significantly beyond Dell's expected the Dell sales actually exceeded $ 2 billion.
Excessive smoothly makes Dell become somewhat smug. Blind pursuit of production makes Dell has encountered a lot of difficulties in terms of infrastructure construction and management, the company fell into a state of disorder, Dell's losses appeared for the first time since its inception, the stock price fell sharply.
This blow is huge, but it also makes the Dell became sober up, "and from the air, I fall back on the ground". Dell reviews have traveled in the company for nine years: the company's direction from a misunderstanding "the pursuit of the biggest production free. Replaced by a new business strategy of "liquidity, profits and growth" as the coordinates of the future development of the company. Since then, Dell has been today, $ 32 billion in annual sales, Dell Inc. has become a truly large companies, Dell has also become a mature businessman.
Inspire human potential - this is the ultimate meaning of technology, Dell made all of the power source. Dell confident that, regardless of ordinary people, institutions, or communities, just use the right tools to master certain skills, anything is possible.
This philosophy inspires people, communities and even the world's progress. Our environmental action, driving customers worldwide to join ranks of environmental, technology, education and training for young people with scarce resources, and their potential to be fully exploited.
Learn more about Dell's efforts as a corporate citizen, and we found a new and better way to make the world a better place.
Dell has become the world's leading computer systems distributor, among the list of the industry's leading manufacturers. As of January 28, 2000, the last four fiscal quarters, Dell's revenue reached $ 27 billion, becoming the second highest in the world, the fastest growing computer company, with 35,800 employees worldwide. Dell business users in the United States, among the first major personal computer vendors, government departments, educational institutions and the consumer market.
Currently, Dell's use of the Internet to further promote its straight-line ordering mode, is an industry leader again. In 1994, Dell introduced the Dell website. Today, based on the Microsoft Windows NT operating system, Dell operates the world's largest Internet commerce sites. The site sales accounted for 40% and 50% of the company's total revenue. Operation of Dell PowerEdge servers Dell website, including the site of the 80 countries, quarterly Browse more than 40 million people. Customers can assess a variety of configurations, instant access to quotes, technical support, and ordering one or more systems. Dell has more than once declared that his "golden principle": that is, "insist on direct sales", "abandon the stock," alliance with clients.
戴爾公司(Dell Computer)(NASDAQ: DELL), 是壹家總部位於美國德克薩斯州朗德羅克的世界五百強企業。創立之初公司的名稱是PC's Limited,1987年改為現在的名字。戴爾以生產、設計、銷售家用以及辦公室電腦而聞名,不過它同時也涉足高端電腦市場,生產與銷售服務器、數據儲存設備、網絡設備等。戴爾的其他產品還包括了PDA、軟件、打印機等電腦周邊產品。
戴爾 是美國排名第壹的PC供應商,1984年由邁克爾·戴爾創立,提供產品包括服務器、存儲產品、工作站、筆記本電腦、臺式機、網絡產品、軟件及外設產品等。全球總部位於美國德克薩斯州奧斯汀,園區采用100%綠色能源供電。
戴爾 在全球的產品銷量高於任壹家計算機廠商,戴爾之所以能夠不斷鞏固其市場領先地位,是因其壹貫堅持直接銷售基於標準的計算產品和服務,並提供最佳的客戶體驗。
激發人類潛能 —— 這是技術的終極意義,也是戴爾所做壹切的源動力。戴爾深信,無論普通人、機構,還是社區,只要使用合適的工具,掌握壹定的技能,壹切皆有可能。
目前,戴爾公司利用互聯網進壹步推廣其直線訂購模式,再次處於業內領先地位。戴爾在1994年推出了Dell網站。今天,基於微軟公司Windows NT操作系統,戴爾運營著全球最大規模的互聯網商務網站。該網站銷售額占公司總收益的40%~50%。戴爾PowerEdge服務器運作的 Dell網址包括80個國家的站點,目前每季度有超過4000萬人瀏覽。客戶可以評估多種配置,即時獲取報價,得到技術支持,訂購壹個或多個系統。戴爾曾不止壹次地宣稱過他的"黃金三原則":即"堅持直銷"、"摒棄庫存"、"與客戶結盟"。