American Samoa, which is an unincorporated territory of the United States and located in the South Pacific Ocean, southeast of the sovereign state of Samoa, formerly known as Western Samoa. The main (largest and most populous) island is Tutuila, with the Manu?0?2a Islands, Rose Atoll, and Swains Island also included in the territory. American Samoa is part of the Samoan Islands chain, located west of the Cook Islands, north of Tonga, and some 300 miles (500 km) south of Tokelau. To the west are the islands of the Wallis and Futuna group. The 2000 census showed a total population of 57,291. The total land area is 200.22 km?0?5 (77.305 sq mi).
美屬薩摩亞(American Samoa),又稱東薩摩亞,是在南太平洋的美國無建制屬地。最早自前1000年就有人定居,歐洲探險家在18世紀到達薩摩亞。首府帕果帕果,是太平洋上天然良港之壹。面積199平方公裏,人口67084人(2001年)。主要的島是圖圖伊拉島(最大和人口最高),其余島嶼為馬努阿群島(Manu'a)、羅斯環礁和斯溫斯島。