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Cosplay is the shortened form of Costume Play

It refers to the activity of dressing up in costume.

The term "cosplay"originatesfrom Japan,where cosplay is a popular form of entertainment among children and young adults.Cosplay started in Japan,but it is gaining more and more popularity all around the waold.Many anime conventions hold contests for cosplay and for masquerade.

Cosplay 是"Costume Play"的縮寫,是指壹種服飾打扮活動.這個詞發原於曰本,是壹種深受曰本小孩和年輕人歡迎的娛樂形式.盡管她始於曰本,但她正越來越受世界各地的人們的喜愛.很多動曼協會都會舉行Cosplay和化裝舞會比賽.

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