當前位置:法律諮詢服務網 - 知識產權 - 求助:中譯英,知識產權侵權投訴授權委托證明


Id no., our business license / __, business address/residence..., hereby entrust _, business license number/id number ____, business address/live ___, as our intellectual property agency, according to the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, to stop and remove exists in the taobao platform of any counterfeit, fake, and other any infringement and damage our intellectual property rights in the territory of the People's Republic of China enjoy behavior, the specific authorization includes the following matters:

1, authorized on behalf of my company to any platform complaints of any infringement in the territory of the People's Republic of China enjoy our

The intellectual property rights (including: complaints, submit evidence, communication, assist the investigation work, accept

Documents, mediation, reconciliation, withdraw ?

  • 上一篇:保護知識產權,抵制盜版是我們每個公民的責任與義務.盜版書籍影響我們的學習效率,甚至會給我們的學習帶
  • 下一篇:北京愛格沃施專利代理有限公司怎麽樣?
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