1. 他由朋友陪同去聽音樂會。
2. 會談中,他們集中討論了保護知識產權的問題。
3. 據說黑洞可以將周圍的壹切物體,如星星吞食掉。
4. 不同的人對同樣的問題有不同的看法,所以解決的辦法也不同。
5. 他下鄉去視察了壹回,在他下鄉期間公文積壓了壹大堆,昨天傍晚他剛回來,現在他要在會客時間開始之前,把這些公文翻閱壹下。
6. The problem is staring us in the face.
1. 他由朋友陪同去聽音樂會。
He was accompanied to the concert by his friend.
2. 會談中,他們集中討論了保護知識產權的問題。
During the talks, their discussion has been centered around protection of intellectual property right.
3. 據說黑洞可以將周圍的壹切物體,如星星吞食掉。
It is believed that a black hole can swallow up any objects like stars near it.
4. 不同的人對同樣的問題有不同的看法,所以解決的辦法也不同。
Solutions vary because different people define the same problem in different terms.
5. 他下鄉去視察了壹回,在他下鄉期間公文積壓了壹大堆,昨天傍晚他剛回來,現在他要在會客時間開始之前,把這些公文翻閱壹下。
He had returned the previous evening from a tour of the countryside, and wanted to go through the papers that had accumulated in his absence before visiting hours started.
5. The problem is staring us in the face. (英譯漢)