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英譯漢 壹個協議


6. 負責人的權限:

6.1 The Principal shall during the term of this Agreement;

6.1 負責人在協議期間須

6.2 Act dutifully and in good faith towards the Sole Distributor.

6.2 行使責任,對獨銷商誠實守信。

6.3 Promptly supply the Sole Distributor upon request with such quantities of Product samples, catalogues, instruction manuals, advertising, promotional and selling materials, literature and information translated where required.

6.3 及時為獨銷商提供所需數量的貨物樣品,目錄,使用說明書,廣告傳單,宣傳和促銷資料,必要時翻譯相關文字和信息。

6.4 Use its reasonable endeavors to prevent or stop any infringement by any third party in the India of any trade or brand name or other Intellectual Property which the Sole Distributor has been assigned.

6.4 通過合法途徑防止或避免印度的第三方出現違規,或避免任何商標和其他知識產權被侵犯,這些權利只授權給獨銷商。

6.5 In the event of any claims by any third party of whatsoever nature, including but not limited to, defective supply, breach of warranty etc in respect of any product of the Principal sold by the Sole Distributor, the dispute shall be solved by mutual discussions between the parties hereto, the sole agent will confirm shipping samples before each delivery.

6.5 任何性質的第三方提出的索賠要求,包括但不限於:貨物本身出現質量問題,違反合約等,包括獨銷商售出的由負責人提供的所有商品。出現上述爭議時,須經雙方協商解決,獨家代理商須在每次正式發貨前,確認船運樣品正確無誤。

6.6 Confidentiality:

6.6 保密協議:

Each party shall keep and procure to be kept secret belonging to the other party disclosed or obtained as a result of the relationship of the parties under this Agreement and shall not use nor disclose the same save for the purposes of the proper performance of this Agreement or with the prior written consent of the other party.


6.7 The principal keep the right to increase price according to the market situation, principal will inform the sole distributor of this information 3 weeks ahead.

6.7 負責人擁有根據市場情況而提高價格的權利,且須提前3周通知獨銷商。


7. 不可杭力

This agreement shall be subject to Force Majeure.

IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands to this Agreement on the same day, month and year mentioned first above.


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