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Along with cultural industry starting with the development, folkliterature art took one kind of important cultural resources andhumanity's common spiritual wealth, its intellectual property rightsprotection question more and more obtains social the widespreadattention. Our country folk literature art extraordinary splendornumerously assumes, but the fact which is unable to deny is, ourcountry folk literature art intellectual property rights protection isfacing the stern situation and has many problems. This article basedon the above background, has analyzed our country folk literature artintellectual property rights protection present situation and theexistence question, pointed out should establish more thanstratification planes, the multi- ways intellectual property rightssynthesis protection systems protects our country folk literature art.


With culture industry being on the rise and development,folk literature art is one kind of important culture resource and common spirit wealth of human being , whose protection of the intellectual property rights problem Yue Lai Yue gets society's broad attention. The folk literature of our country art extraordinary splendour appears numerously , a fact having no way to deny is that our country folk literature art protection of the intellectual property rights is confronted with austere circumstances and is there exists a lot of problem but. The main body of a book have analysed our country folk literature art protection of the intellectual property rights current situation and have problem , have pointed out ought to build a multilayer face , much approach intellectual property rights protecting the folk literature art coming to protect our country system synthetically owing to above-mentioned background.


With the emergence and development of the cultural industry. Folk Literature and Art as an important cultural resources and mankind's common spiritual wealth its protection of intellectual property rights has been more widespread concern in society. China Folk Literature and Art colorful, but one can not deny the fact that China Folk Literature and Art of intellectual property protection is facing a tough situation and there are many problems. Based on the above background, the Chinese Folk Literature and Art analysis of the current situation and existing problems in the protection of intellectual property rights. that we should build a multi-level, multi-channel system for comprehensive protection of intellectual property rights to protect China's folk literature.

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