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The patents office, the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, could have a decisive role in this, if it demands that inventors comply with the requirement of industrial application for the objects they are claiming.


Furthermore, the concept of utility handled by the patent office of the United States must not be accepted, since, for the effects of filing patents, it is only necessary to show that the invention is useful, not that it may have an industrial application. Another fundamental aspect to be considered if the intellectual property system is to contribute to innovation without necessarily being an entry barrier, is that clear limits must be placed on the temporary monopoly conferred by the different titles, thus creating a counterpart of the anti-monopoly law. This aspect should be reviewed in Mexican legislation since the Law on Economic Competition justly establishes the cases in which intellectual property protection exists as an exception to its actions against monopolistic practices. A further element to avoid anti-competitive practices and, eventually, practices that do not satisfy the needs of the market at reasonable prices, is to use clear criteria and to work on the introduction of a compulsory licensing regime in accordance with international commitments, and the introduction of effective price control mechanisms.


Finally, the use of patent systems to introduce a model that benefits the distribution ofknowledge above the traditional philosophy of protecting and excluding third parties, means that more public and private institutions should become involved in the tasks of

retrieving, analysing and using patent information. It is not enough to have information banks; networks must be built up to diffuse competitive intelligence based on information, the technologies necessary to process it and a portfolio of attractive services.

最後,為了引入有益於傳播關於保護和剔除第三方的傳統哲學知識的模型,使用專利體系意味著更多的公眾和個人研究院應參與到檢索、反洗和使用專利信息的任務重來,僅擁有資料庫是不夠的,必須在信息的基礎上建立起網絡以傳播競爭情報、加工情報的技術以及有吸引力的服務組合。Figure 2 shows a stimulating model for the development of information services proposed by Lozano and Vald~s (1995). If it proves possible to build networks in which many institutions participate following the lines of this model, an important step will have been taken to demolish entry barriers and use intellectual property as a vehicle for innovation.



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