財政部 國家稅務總局關於調低部分商品出口退稅率的通知
Circular of Ministry of Finance & State Administration of Taxation on Reduction of Export Tax Rebate Rates for Some Goods
CaiShui [2007] No.90
The finance offices or bureaus, the administrations of state taxation of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities directly under state planning:
Upon approval by the State Council, we hereby make the following notice on the issues concerning the adjustment of the export tax rebate rates for some goods:
The export tax rebate rates of the following goods shall be reduced:
the export tax rebate rate shall be reduced to 5% for the plastic, rubber and related products;
Effective date
The adjustment on the export tax rebate for the goods stated above shall enter into force as of July 1, 2007. The effective date shall be specified by the customs authorities in the “export commodity declaration form (for export tax rebate only).”