增值稅Value-added Tax (縮寫VAT)
消費稅 consumption tax
營業稅 excise tax/sales tax/turnover tax
詞典中的解釋:excise tax(消費稅,貨物稅,執照稅,營業稅,國內消費稅)
資源稅 resource tax
城市維護建設稅與教育附加、文化事業建設費 tax on urban maintenance & construction as well as education addition and cultural construction fee
企業所得稅 corporate income tax
外商投資企業和外國企業所得稅 income tax for foreign-invested enterprises and foreign enterprises
個人所得稅 individual income tax
土地增值稅 land VAT
房產稅 real estate tax/property tax
城鎮土地使用稅 holding tax on urban and county land
契稅 contract tax/deed tax
耕地占用稅 tax on till-land occupation
印花稅 stamp tax
tax on using of vehicles and ships
license tax on vehicles and ships
建賬 set up accounts
核算 accounting
apply for and declare to the competent tax government