當前位置:法律諮詢服務網 - 企業資訊 - 電大英語根據日程表寫作文


1. 幫幫忙,以“日程安排”為話題寫壹篇壹百字的英語作文

In this conversation, we are in the head office of a major advertising agency. It is a high-activity / high-pressure environment. Gail Lewis, an executive secretary, is walking along with her boss, Gerry Ameson, as he goes to his next meeting.

Gail: Sir, Mr. James from Editing would like your opinion on this report.

Gerry: I'm too busy right now. Put it in my in-box,would you please? I'll add it to my PIM's To-Do list.

Gail: Yes sir. And Sally Jones from Photography wants to discuss the Osten campaign.

Gerry: Hmm, yes, that's a key issue we still have to resolve. What's my schedule like?

Gail: The earliest slot available is in o days.

Gerry: OK, make an appointment for a meeting with her. While you're at it, make an appointment with the client after the meeting with Sally. We'll discuss the final design and the contract.

Gail: According to your planner, you wanted to check on the Farley project today.

Gerry: No need. The design's available. Now, where did I put the minutes for last week's meeting。 oh,there they are! Let me see the agenda for this next meeting, please.

Gail: Right here, sir.


在這則談話中,我們在壹家著名廣告代理商的總部。這是壹個很有活力又有很大壓力的環境。執行秘書Gail Lewis正在和老板Gerry Ameson趕去開會。

Gail: 先生,編輯部的James先生想請您看壹下他的報告。

Gerry: 我現在太忙了。請把它放在我的信箱裏,我會把它加在我的商務通執行表中。

Gail: 好的。攝影部的Sally Jones想和您討論復活節的活動。

Gerry: 嗯,好,那是我們需要解決的關鍵問題。我的日程能安排開嗎?

Gail: 最早在兩天後安排。

Gerry: 好,跟她安排壹次會面。同時安排壹下隨後與客戶的會面。我們要談壹下最終設計和合同的問題。

Gail: 根據您的電子記事簿,您今天要檢查壹下Farley項目。

Gerry: 不需要了。設計已經有了。我把上周的會議記錄放在哪了……哦,在那兒!請讓我看壹下這次開會的議程。

Gail: 給您,先生。

2. 有沒有人知道電大英語網考的選擇題和作文的分值是多少啊,12月的成

壹、《大學英語A》機考90分鐘試卷題量及分值分布部分 項目 內容 題型 考點 題量 分數 時間(分鐘) I.閱讀理解 2篇短文,文章包括應用文、描述文、記敘文、說明文或議論文等 單選 快速略讀、大意理解;閱讀理解能力;概括和推斷能力 10 30 25 II.詞匯與結構 10個單句 單選 詞匯、語法 10 20 10 III.完型填空 1篇短文 單選 句法與篇章 10 20 15 IV.中譯英 2個單句 翻譯 翻譯能力 2 10 10 V.寫作 1篇作文 命題作文 寫作能力 1 20 30 總計 33 100 90 二、《大學英語B》機考90分鐘試卷題量及分值分布部分 項目 內容 題型 考點 題量 分數 時間(分鐘) I.交際英語 5個簡短對話 單選 日常情景交際能力 5 15 5 II.閱讀理解 2篇短文,文章包括應用文、描述文、記敘文、說明文或議論文等 單選 理解主旨要義、具體信息 10 30 20 III.詞匯與結構 5個單句 單選 詞匯與語法知識運用 5 15 10 IV.完型填空 1篇短文 單選 詞匯、句法和篇章和知識運用 10 10 10 V.英譯中 3個單句 翻譯 短句翻譯能力 3 15 15 VI.寫作 1篇作文 命題作文 短文寫作能力 1 15 30 總計 34 100 90 三、《大學英語C》機考90分鐘試卷題量及分值分布部分 項目 內容 題型 考點 題量 分數 時間(分鐘) I.閱讀理解 2篇短文,文章包括應用文、描述文、記敘文、說明文或議論文等 單選 理解主旨主義、具體信息、根據上下文推測生詞詞義等能力 10 20 30 II.詞匯與結構 詞匯與語法 10個單句 單選 語法和詞匯知識的運用 10 20 30 選詞填空 2篇短文 單選 10 20 III.翻譯 英譯中 4個單句 翻譯 翻譯能力 4 20 30 中譯英 4個單句 翻譯 4 20 總計 38 100 90 備註:《大學英語C》英譯中為4個獨立單句,是主觀題型.四、《計算機應用基礎》機考90分鐘試卷試題結構與題型試題分為選擇題和操作題兩大類,其中選擇題約占40%,操作題約占60%.試題內容比例為:計算機基礎知識和操作系統及其應用約占28%、文字編輯、電子表格和電子演示文稿約占40%,計算機網絡基礎和Inter應用約占24%,信息安全和多媒體基本應用約占8%.試卷分數滿分為100分.。

3. 求壹篇有關電視的大學英語作文,80詞左右.根據以下問題寫壹篇作文1

Many people like watching TV including me.My favorite programe is talk show .I often watch TV at the weekend because I am busy on weekdays.Watching TV can broaden our view and also brings us pleasure.Of course we *** s like different programs from the children.They often watch some funny programes or some cartoons while we *** s like watching programes about knowlege or about social problems.Watching too much will do harm to eyes so we should limit the time of watching TV of children.***87個詞完全是自己寫的.。

4. 寫壹篇我周六在校的日程表的英語作業

Saturday morning get up at 6:30 exercise to 7:00Till 7:50 wash gargle breakfast at 7:007:50 12:00 to free the restHave lunch at 12:00 to 13:0013:00 to 10 simple exercise"But to 15:00 to rest15:00 to him free to have a restIn the evening: 18:30 to 20:00 rest for dinner00 PM to 22:00 online learning22:30 22:00 to exercise22:30 to 23:00 ready to have a rest。

5. 大學英語作文(my daily schedule)帶翻譯

everybody has a daily schedule.we do the same things almost every day.my typical day is probaly like yours. here's my daily routine.i get up at 6:30 every morning.i take my time waking up,but then i wash up quickly.i brush my teeth,b my hair and put on my school uniform.i pack my bag for school and i leave.i never miss breakfast,so i either eat at home or eat on the way to school.but i always eat ina hurry.after school,i go to a cram school like all my friends.i study and finish my homework for the day.finally,i go home and i take a break.i have dinner with my family,watch a little tv and just relax.i am usually in bed by 9:30. this is my routine from monnday to friday.however,the weekends are different.i can wake up late and have a ball.then.i can do whatever i like.i believe my routine is typical.it is probably a lot like yours.每個人都有壹個日程表。











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