Production monitor"
Subordinate 直接下級
" charge of
分管人數" Approved by 核 準 人
Position Qualification 任職資格
Education學歷與專業 專科以上學歷。 More than profesional education
"Work Experience/ Industrial Experience
工作經驗/行業經驗" 2年以上80爐操作經驗。More than 2years' experience of operating 80 puller.
"Computer Level
計算機水平" 壹般 General
Foreign Language Level 外語水平 壹般 General
"Other relevant requirements
Job Description崗位描述(Responsibility &Authorities責任與權限)
壹、認真按照技術規定操作。Operations according to technical requirements seriously.
二、 完成班組長安排任務,出現異常及時匯報。Complete the work monitor arranged,timely reporting of abnormal.
Appraisal Index 考核指標
1:對每季度的工作完成率 Charge the rate of Work completion for each season.
2:每月出勤天數考核。 Check the working days for each month,
3:對人員工作效率考核。Check the workers' working effiecency
編制 Prepared by: 審核 Verify: