General Information – Tooling 壹般信息-刀具o Plan to have own engineering group as company expands
o 隨著公司的發展擁有自己工程集團的計劃
o Hwasung is subcontracted to do engineering currently
o 目前韓國Hwasung公司分包工程
o Uses same cutting tools as in Korea facility – all diamond
o 使用與在韓國設備壹樣的切屑工具-全鉆石
o Regrind tools if can
o 如果可以,再研磨刀具
o Hwasung has capability to surface grind, repair dies, and make molds with wire EDM
o Hwasung公司有能力進行表面研磨、修理模具和用電火花線切割工藝制作模具
General Information – Machining 壹般信息-機械加工o Boundary samples are used: okay, borderline, not good
o 采用邊界樣本:好,臨界,不好
o Quality room has separate windows for incoming and outgoing parts (for quality
o 質量室有用於進廠和出廠零件的分開的窗口(用於質量檢查)
o New equipment will be coming in from FM LaGrange plant
o 新的設備將從FM LaGrange工廠引進
o Each operation has pictures and job instructions for what to check and which gage to
use to check part
o 每壹項操作都有用於檢查的內容和用什麽量具來檢查零件的照片和作業指導。
o Parts are manually loaded into machine or pallet, depending on line
o 零件根據生產線用手動裝載到機器或托盤上
o Auditor checks parts for verification: after operator checks part, puts in bin, auditor
checks part and reloads back on line
o 檢查員檢查用於驗證的零件:在操作人員檢查零件後,放入料箱,
o Have tool management system
o 有刀具管理系統(制度)
o A pokeyoke check is used for orientation prior to loading
o 采用壹項防錯(pokeyoke)檢查用於裝到機器上前的定向
o Machines are guarded
o 機器是加防護的
o Mostly have CNC machines
o 大多數有CNC(計算機數控)機器
o Manual chip collection systems
o 人工的碎屑收集系統
o If automated, have robots with grippers to load/unload parts from pallets
o 如果是自動的,那麽有帶機械爪的機器人來從托盤裝載/卸載零件
o After final inspection, operator visually inspects and loads onto plastic dunnage with
the crown up and loads into the washer
o 在最後檢驗後,操作人員目測檢驗,並頂部向上裝到塑料襯墊上,並裝載進清洗機
o Repairs: filing down of burrs or sharp edges after anodizing the crown
o 修理:在將頂部樣機氧化後,銼削掉毛刺或尖銳的邊緣
o Have 2 Excello machines for special machining of the pin bores
o 有兩臺Excello的機器用於銷孔的專門機械加工
o 2.7% scrap for gasoline pistons
o 汽油活塞2.7%的廢料
o Cycle time is 18 seconds for gasoline piston
o 汽油活塞的周期時間是18秒
o Process – Wash
o 清洗過程
o Spray system
o 噴淋系統
o 4 stations: heated wash, wash with degreaser, 2 rinse stations
o 4站:加熱清洗,用去油汙劑清洗,兩個漂洗站
o Uses RO water
o 采用反滲透(RO)水
o Operator blow dries piston and puts on dunnage with crown up
o 操作人員吹風使活塞幹燥,並頂朝上放到襯墊上
o Parts wheeled into coating room
o 零件經輪子傳送進塗覆間
o Needs major improvements here
o 這裏需要重大的改進
o Chemical analysis done for bath in chemical room
o 對化學間中的塗液(槽浴)進行化學分析
o Comments/Observations:
o 評論和觀察:
o Relatively small piston facility, but plans for additional space. New facility,
July 2004.
o 相對較小的活塞設備,但是計劃增加額外的空間。新的設備,2004年7月
o Currently no cleanliness checks (wash and filter) run to verify machining wash
o 目前沒有進行清潔度檢查(清洗和過濾)來驗證機加工的清洗過程
o No asm processes / equipment at facility.
o 在工廠設施處沒有ASM(active shape models主動形狀模型)工藝/設備
o Current wash process / equipment / clean part handling would not meet GM
o 目前的清洗過程/設備/清潔零件的裝卸不能滿足GM(通用汽車)的要求
o Could not fully review coating process due to no production at the time of the
o 由於參觀時沒有生產,所以沒能完全看到塗覆工藝過程