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1. Companies to develop strategies:

Early strategy: We plan to use 1,2 years, in full play to shareholders and management staff for many years of industry experience on the basis of the advantages, and erected into a "legs" line. Established brand in the industry.

Medium-term strategy: To further consolidate and develop the company's brand from "strong" to "large" change across the survival of private enterprises life, and the agricultural development of a prototype of the Group of the show.

Long-term strategy: to realize throughout the whole industry chain with its own intellectual property rights the core of the agricultural company.

2. Why did you choose to enter sectors of the ball:

Since then choose the area of agriculture, that we have from the start of the concrete industry, we also comprehensive analysis of the current staff experience, the interests of investors, such as a combination of factors, we have decided to start from the flower industry, the flower industry on our part, Lily But is the very familiar, and so, the company formed from the beginning, we as an entry point into the lily flower industry.

In addition, we use personal connections senior adviser to the company in the Netherlands to establish our own staff to help us in the Netherlands for the purchase of the ball and the quality of supervision, and from this perspective, we also believe that from the beginning of lily bulb company business is a very good starting point.

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