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I'm privileged to announce the opening of the Beijing International Conference of Intellectual Property. I'd like to extend my warmest welcome to all the delegates and guests present on behalf of the Chinese government, Chinese people and myself as well. I wish the conference a great success. I also appreciate the effort that the committee has made to ensure the success of the conference.

The infringement of intellectual property is a severe issue confronting us. The computer software industry alone suffers great loss due to the excessive piracy around the globe, which forces software-makers and manufactures to rise the price, leaving the honest customers bearing the cost. The protection of intellectual property is drawing increasing attention on the globe. All the delegations here are willing to cooperate on the crackdown on piracy and stop it from prevailing. I firmly believe that we'll reach a census on intellectual property protection during this conference.

I cherish the close relationship between our two cities as well as the status we enjoy as your most important trade partner. Despite the world economic downturn these years, the economic cooperation and trade is climbing steadily. I sincerely hope that we keep collaborating with each other, developing our friendship to secure a growing partnership on economy, financial and trade

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