當前位置:法律諮詢服務網 - 知識產權保護 - Offer的中英文

































 1. 我們將為您提供必要的工作環境和條件,您所從事的工作沒有職業危害;

 2. 您已通過公司發布的招聘啟示(廣告)和面試等渠道,充分知悉了您具體的工作內容。


 1. 公司享有對您職業背景調查等與建立勞動關系相關的知情權。

 2. 請您參加體檢並收到公司錄用通知後,再與原公司辦理解除勞動關系、調轉人事檔案等手續。

 3. 本要約具有代替雙方就前期溝通過程中所訂立的口頭或書面協議的法律依據。



 簽字:______________ ************有限公司

 日期: 年 月日 日期: 年 月日

 聘 用 函

 尊敬的 ****** 先生/女士,您好!

 根據面試的情況及對您工作能力的初步了解,經慎重考慮,我公司認為您符合我公司的相關崗位要求, 特發此聘用函誠邀您加入******科技(北京)有限公司。此聘用函將會在您簽字表示接受聘用時生效。




 勞動合同期限為 ? 年,自勞動合同約定的起始日期開始計算。試用期為 壹 個月。工作報到日期為 2010 年 月 日,如有變動以勞動合同約定的日期為準。





 1. 是否同意接受聘用。

 2. 如接受聘用,是否能於2010年0月0日之前到我公司人力資源部辦理聘用簽約手續。或上述時間不便,請註明您可以到我公司人力資源部辦理聘用簽約手續的具體日期和時間。

 3. 如不接受聘用,煩請您註明具體原因。


 1. 附件為新聘員工辦理入職程序說明書,請予以配合辦理相關入職手續。

 2. 入職體檢:您在入職前必須通過公司指定醫院的入職體檢。

 3. 入職前需認真閱讀公司制定的?錄用條件?(後附),簽字表示已被告知具體內容並同意相關規定。

 4. 您向公司提供的`背景調查信息,表示您同意公司據此進行調查、核對;並且同意如果調查結果與您簡歷中或面試時提供的信息不符,公司可以隨時取消此聘用函,並不用承擔任何賠償責任。

 5. 薪酬保密制度是公司管理的重要原則,請不要向別人打探薪酬情況,也不要告訴別人您的薪酬情況。如果違反薪酬保密制度,公司可據此解除此聘用書或勞動合同關系。



 2010年0 月0 日



 1. 遵守法律、法規、政策及公司規章制度(包括《勞動合同》,《員工手冊》,《知識產權保密協議》,員工信息登記表之特別說明等)

 2. 尊重領導,服從管理,友愛同事,配合工作。

 3. 愛護公物,廉潔奉公。

 4. 誠實守信。


 1. 遲到早退,不遵從公司工作時間制度的;

 2. 試用期期間被記小過二次或記過壹次及以上者;

 3. 曠工半天及以上的;

 4. 偽造學歷、證書與工作經歷或離職證明函的;

 5. 個人簡歷、求職登記表所列內容與自然情況不符的;

 6. 在原就職公司受過行政處分或處罰而未明示的;

 7. 經體檢(包括入職前體檢與入職後體檢)發現患有傳染性疾病,或不可治愈以及嚴重疾病的,具體要求參照國家公務員錄用體檢標準,詳見該網址/fwxx/gwz2008/content_784142.htm,具體內容後附;

 8. 器官殘缺或肢體殘缺影響正常工作,以及填寫虛假體檢信息的;

 9. 不能按質按量完成工作任務的(參見崗位職責要求);

 10. 拒絕接受領導交辦的任務的;

 11. 非因工傷無法在工作時間內提供勞動義務的;

 12. 有任何違反公司規章制度規定行為的。

 Offer Letter




 We are pleased to offer you a position as ________________ Hennes&Mauritz (Shanghai) Commercial Co.,Ltd. (the Company). This offer of employment is conditional upon a satisfactory reference being received from your present employer and you providing the necessary documents to show that you are eligible to work for the Company in China.

 Your contract of employment is as agreed between you and Shanghai Foreign Service Co.,Ltd. (FESCO) and together with this offer letter, Employee Handbook.

 1. Commencement Date

 You will be employed from ______________ to ________________

 2. Probation Period

 Your employment is subject to the probationary period of ______ months.

 3. Salary

 3.1 Your monthly gross salary will be RMB _________ per month. The income tax and the personal contribution of statutory social insurance and housing accumulation funds will be deduced from your monthly salary, according to statutory requirements of PRC Labor Law. The salary includes all remuneration, subsidy and allowance the company shall pay to the employee in accordance with provisions of local regulations, rules, ordinances and policies.

 3.2 Your salary will be calculated by calendar month, and auto-paid into your bank account on the 10th of the month after.

 4. Double Pay

 A Double Pay, equivalent to the one month?s salary will be paid for each full calendar year of service (?The Double Pay?). The Double Pay will be paid pro rate for any incomplete year and only provided that you h******e completed the probation period and remain in service at the cut off date of payment of the Double Pay.

 5. Insurance

 You are eligible to all social insurance in accordance with PRC Labor Law statutory requirements as well as the insurance under the agreement between The Company and FESCO.

 6. Working Hours

 Your employment hereunder is based on a five-day work with an ******erage of 40 working hours (excluding lunch break) per week on a rotating shift basis.

 7. Over Time

 Overtime is not payable to the employee, unless otherwise advised and agreed to beforehand.

 8. Statutory Holidays

 You will be entitled to all statutory holidays determined by the Chinese government. Due to the nature of the operations, you understand and accept that you may be required to work on statutory holidays and compensated as per PRC Labor Law.

 9. Annual Le******e

 On completion of your probation, you are entitled to ______ working days paid le******e provided by the company and ______ working days compulsory annual le******e. For incomplete year of service, your annual le******e entitlement is given on a pro-rata basis.

 You are encouraged to make full sue of your annual le******e as annual le******e may not be accumulated and/or carried forward to any other year nor is payment in lieu of vacation permitted.

 So as to ensure that the Company has sufficient staff ******ailable for peak trading periods, staff is requested not to take holidays during Public Holidays period.

 10. Sick Le******e

 You are entitled to paid sick le******e according to statutory requirements of PRC Labor Law. You must inform your line manager or the duty manager prior to the time when you are supposed to report for work if you are too sick to work. If you are forced to take sick le******e you must provide the Company with a doctor?s certificate confirming that you are unable to work.

 11. Termination of Employment

 During the probation period, if you h******e been proved that you don?t meet the requirements of the position, the Company reserves the right to terminate the employment immediately after explain the reason to you. Upon voluntary termination, 3 day?s prior written notice to the Company is required. After the Probation period, one month?s notice in writing is required by either party for termination of employment except dismissal.

 12. Grievances or Complaints

 In case of any grievances or complaints relating to their employment, staff can apply personally to the Manager or the administration representative for a review and possible redress. Staff is always encouraged to give sound and constructive suggestions to improve the operations of the Company.

 13. General

 Any other rules and regulations made by The Company are applicable to this letter. On behalf of the Company, we hope that you may h******e a long and successful career with us. This document has drawn up in two original copies and should be kept by both parties.

 Yours Sincerely Confirmed & Accepted By:

 For and on behalf of

 Hennes & Mauritz (Shanghai) Commercial Co.,Ltd.


 Date: Date:


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