Welcome to our family website! Dr. Hastings is the author of the internationally recognized and acclaimed essay, "The Station" Copyright (c) 1980. "The Station" is not in the public domain even though it was widely reprinted in Ann Landers' syndicated newspaper column with permission by Robert J. Hastings. His message of living the journey of life now each day struck a powerful chord with the reading public. Untold numbers of clippings were put away into Bibles, drawers, envelopes, wallets, and personal effects for safe keeping. Many people around the world reported changing the course of their lives after reading "The Station". The essay was reprinted in Reader's Digest, and various anthologies, including the Chicken Soup for the Soul series by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. "The Station" first appeared as an editorial written by Dr. Hastings which he further adapted and painstakingly reworked. This accounts for differences found in published versions. He felt that the reading of "The Station" out loud or silently to one's self should invoke the building momentum and rhythm of a train ride.
The popular quote,"Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today.", is excerpted from "The Station" by Robert J. Hastings and was published by The New York Times, June 29, 2001.
A graduate of Southwestern Baptist Seminary, Dr. Hastings wrote inspirational books and material for Broadman Press (now B&H Publishing Group) and The Baptist Sunday School Board. He also created and recorded the audio stories Tinyburg Tales (c) that currently airs on Bible Broadcasting Network.
Dr. Hastings grew up in Williamson County, Illinois, and chronicled his boyhood experiences spanning the years of the Great Depression in two memoirs, "A Nickel's Worth of Skim Milk" Copyright (c)1972 and its sequel, "A Penny's Worth of Minced Ham" Copyright (c)1986. His parents, closest kin and neighbors are portrayed lovingly in these autobiographies as they face looming poverty and relentless hardship as set down through the eyes of young "Bobby". A terrifying hail storm described in the opening chapter of "A Nickel's Worth of Skim Milk" portends the trials ahead for the Hastings family and Southern Illinois in the economically stranded 1930's. Nothing but faith could prepare them for the loss of Bobby's older brother in 1936 as the Great Depression was running its course.
A Minister for over 50 years, Dr. Hastings preached thoughtful sermons, wed nervous couples, eulogized the fallen, dedicated stirring babies and extended his hands at the altar to receive all ages professing their faith. He baptized his first converts in a strip mine pond. Later in his career, Robert J. Hastings became a storyteller on radio and guest lectured at writing workshops.
He was born the son of a coal miner and a homemaker in 1924. From humble beginnings Dr. Hastings finished his work here in 1997, leaving a wonderful legacy to his family, friends and the world . . . the unique expression that "The true joy of life is the trip". . ."The journey is the joy". . . drawing wisdom from Psalm 118:24, "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." EMAIL THESTATIONESSAY.COM TINYBURGTALES.COM
(c) 2000-09 Nancy Hastings
A Friendly Reminder about Rights
"The Station" Copyright (c) 1980 and the contents of this website are Intellectual Property protected by U.S. Copyright Law and web hosting guidelines and agreements. We respectfully ask that you do not use "The Station" in whole or in part in any printed , electronic or recorded media, or lecture series, seminars and live performance without written permission from The Robert J. Hastings Estate. / website posted 2/18/2000. All Rights Reserved 2009.
歡迎到我們的家庭網站!黑斯廷斯博士壹書的作者是國際公認的著名論文“站”版權所有(c)1980。 “該站”不是,即使是廣泛安蘭德斯'與羅伯特黑斯廷斯許可辛迪加報紙專欄轉載了公***領域。他對生活的人生旅程現在每天的信息達成了與讀者的強大的***鳴。在剪報無數的人被收拾到聖經,抽屜,信封,錢包,並保管個人財物。世界上許多群眾舉報後改變閱讀“站他們的生活中。”該文章轉載在讀者文摘,以及各種選集,包括由傑克坎菲爾和馬克維克多漢森靈魂系列雞湯。 “該站”第壹次出現的黑斯廷斯博士,他進壹步修改和精心返工寫了壹篇社論。在公布的版本中存在的差異的原因。他認為,說:“站讀”大聲或默默壹個人的自我,就是要援引勢頭和建立壹個坐火車的節奏。
他出生於壹個煤礦工人的兒子,在1924年家庭主婦。從細說黑斯廷斯博士在這裏完成他的工作在1997年,留下了美好的傳統,他的家人,朋友和世界。 。 。獨特的表述“生命的真正喜樂的行程”。 。 。說:“是的喜悅之旅”。 。 。詩篇118:24吸取智慧,“這是壹天的主用了,我們將高興和也高興。”電子郵件THESTATIONESSAY.COM TINYBURGTALES.COM
“該站”版權所有(c)1980年及本網站的內容是知識產權的美國版權法和虛擬主機準則和協議的保護。我們謹請您不要使用“The站”全部或部分未經書面許可,羅伯特黑斯廷斯村在任何印刷,電子或錄制的媒體,或舉辦系列講座,研討會和現場表演。 /網站上公布00年2月18日。版權所有2009