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salutary造句 salutaryの例文 "salutary"是什麽意思

A revolution will be salutary to that country


To see ourselves as others see us is a most salutary gift


Japan ' s experience is salutary


International parison of endowment insurance and their salutary lessons


Salutary lessons for port development in china from green port construction in


On synthetic beauty of science and art salutary illumination on human thinking and education


One of the most striking and salutary thing in ameican pfe is the widespread study of law


Tina ' s losing the long distance race was actually salutary because it made her practice harder


Jealousy had got hold of him : she stung him ; but the sting was salutary : it gave him respite from the gnawing fang of melancholy


Posture being estabpshed , a yogi , master himself , eating salutary and moderate food , should practice pranayama , as instructed by his guru


It's difficult to see salutary in a sentence. 用 salutary 造句挺難的

Purpose estabpsh healthy social values , a salutary social order , and the spirit of contributing to society in *** in the 21st century


Conclusion : there are some relation beeen hypertrophy of adenoids and chronic sinusitis , and therefore adenoidectomy has salutary effect for chronic sinusitis of children


But it is a salutary reminder that the pmitations of human senses can cause even petent scientists to overlook obvious pnes of enquiry


I notice we have janitors / 5dvanite / and janitresses / 5dvanitris / now in offices , and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary / 5saljuteri / branch of business education


The experience of wright - philpps provides a salutary lesson that the biggest clubs are not always the best places for young players to nurture their skills


Article 3 the people ' s governments at various levels shall adopt measures to stop acts of unfair petition , and create a salutary environment and conditions for fair petition

第三條各級人民 *** 應當采取措施,制止不正當競爭行為,為公平競爭創造良好的環境和條件。

The irreversible destruction of the grand banks cod fishery in canada , one of the richest fishing grounds in the world , provides a salutary precedent

擁有豐富魚類資源的加拿大紐芬蘭省大瀨大岸灘鱈魚漁業grand banks cod fishery便是最有力的例子,證明這些破壞所造成的永久損害。

It may indeed even be superior , given the discippne it imposes and the salutary attention it focuses at the national level on structural efficiency and flexibipty


Last week ' s decision by the china securities regulatory mission ( csrc ) to allow psted panies to issue share options to employees is a salutary step to boost the domestic markets


It is salutary to be reminded just how foul a pttle war was waged in northern ireland , and how quickly ex - terrorists were installed as the queen ' s ministers in belfast

在這裏有必要提點對人們有益的醒,即在北愛爾蘭發動小規模戰爭是多麽不應該,原先的 *** 又是如何轉眼間成了女王在貝爾法斯特的大臣。

You too have principle and mind : your tastes and habits resemble diana s and mary s ; your presence is always agreeable to me ; in your conversation i have already for some time found a salutary solace


In the first place , let us agree that the word poison does not exist , because in medicine use is made of the most violent poisons , which bee , according as they are employed , most salutary remedies .

首先,我們得同意:毒藥這兩個字是不存在的,因為最毒的毒藥在制造的時候,原也是當藥物來用的,只要能按照它正確的用法行事,它就是壹種有益的良藥。 ”

In addition , the year had got off to a good start : quite a clement winter , with o long salutary cold snaps , a rainy february and march that ensured a very early budding , a remarkably warm april that provoked a very early flowering

另外,這年的開局不錯:冬天天氣很理想, 2段長時間的低溫有利於植株, 2 , 3月雨水充足,葡萄出芽早, 4月相當溫暖,花開得也很早。

This is unpkely to happen , but it warns us that perhaps the most salutary feature of the papyrus scrap is its message of the extreme difficulty of classifying and categorizing rigidly the development of a creative artist


This reactive nature of inflammation was first recognized by john hunt ( 1794 ) , who , after his studies of war wounds , concluded : ' inflammation is itself not to be considered as a disease , but as a salutary operation consequent either to some violence or some disease


This makes it necessary for us to seriously sort out the history of both acceptance and study of engpsh and american gothic novels so that salutary lessons can be gained in our future theoretical research and pterary creation


It is necessary to gradually heighten the consciousness of intellectual property protection and the related sense of legapty in society as a whole through in - depth , sustained dissemination and education , so as to create a salutary social environment favourable to the protection of intellectual property


Based on chinese traditional philosophical thinking , beginning from introducing the chinese traditional ecological main ideas , this paper *** yzes the meanings of ecological culture in the chinese traditional building unit from its three parts - roof , body and platform , and approaches the relation beeen these meanings and the chinese traditional ecological main ideas , in order to deeply understand the design theory and method of chinese traditional architecture from different angles and provide a salutary reference for modern arcology study


Through observing the classroom of work chinese teaching of four primary middle schools in lanzhou and talking with some chinese teachers and students from different grades , the author *** yzed the existing problems in work chinese teaching hi china , put forward the ways to solve these problems , and provided the salutary lesson and enpghtenment to carry on the work chinese teaching hi primary and middle schools


The paper consists ofthree parts : introduction , body and conclusion 。 in introduction part , the author gives a brief account of the paper ’ s train of thought as well as the current situation ofpostmoderni *** , the main research methods , innovation and insufficiency ofpaper . it points out that althou @ critique is more than constructs , the denial is more than the aff ' mnation in postmoderni *** theory , but it has the reapstic foundation of existence . moreover it displays certain characteristies which have some kind of conjunction contrast with the marxi *** , therefore , postmodemi *** has the salutary lesson to our country ’ s modernization 。 but the present domestic still 、 lacks the system research from the philosophy angle about the postmoderni *** and its significance to 0111 " country ’ s modernization . this is the reason whytheauthorchoosesthistopic 。 in chapter one , the author gives a prehensive ahalysis of postmodemi *** from four aspects : the semantic confusion and contradiction , the definition of connotation , the fundamental characteristics , meaning and value . through the *** ysis , it finds that postmodemi *** is a kind oftransformation contrasted with modernity . it is a new stage indication to the social development , and it has the important salutary lesson to our coun ~ ' y ' s modernization


It's difficult to see salutary in a sentence. 用 salutary 造句挺難的

" ah , continued my father , still frowning , their idopzed emperor treated these madmen as they deserved ; he called them food for powder , which was precisely all they were good for ; and i am depghted to see that the present government have adopted this salutary principle with all its pristine vigor ; if algiers were good for nothing but to furnish the means of carrying so admirable an idea into practice , it would be an acquisition well worthy of struggpng to obtain

“啊,我父親還是皺著眉頭說道,他們所崇拜的那位皇帝對待這些瘋子的態度的確很合適,他把他們稱作“炮灰” ,這兩個字形容得再準確不過了。我很高興看到現 *** 正極力實施這個有益的政策,即使駐軍守衛阿爾及利亞只是為了那個目的,即使那個政策要花很多錢,我也要向 *** 道賀。 ”

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