Report cites problems , gains in intellectual property protection
美國公布有關知識產權的 特別301報告
" this report reflects the administration s continued mitment to ensure effective intellectual property protection around the world
特別301報告 還確定了美國對另外四十八個貿易伴保護知識產權程度的關註。
Washington - - - the office of the u . s . trade representative today released its annual " special 301 " report on the adequacy and effectiveness of intellectual property rights ( ipr ) protection around the world
於4月29日發布新聞簡報宣布,已於當天公布根據美國貿易法的要求提交的本年度《 特別301報告 》 。
In addition , ustr continued to focus on other critically important issues including proper implementation of the trips agreement by developing country wto members and full implementation of trips standards by new wto members at the time of their accession
二零零二年 特別301報告 還突出了因特網上的盜版問題以及旨在保護網際作者權益的兩項因特網條約的重要性。
The trade act of 1974 instructed the office of the u . s . trade representative to identify annually those countries that deny adequate and effective protection for ipr or deny fair and equitable market access for persons that rely on intellectual property protection . section 182 is monly referred to as the " special 301 " provision of the trade act
在升入優先觀察名單的國家中,美國貿易代表辦公室給予中國以最大的關註,並隨《 特別301報告 》同時公布了2005年對中國進行周期外保護知識產權狀況的審議結果。美國貿易代表辦公室可以隨時對特定國家在保護知識產權方面的變化或發展進行審議。