specialty retailer 專業零售商
superior quality 質量上乘
tea packer 茶葉包裝商
technology transformation 技術改造
top the list 位居首位
warranty 保修,質量擔保
win the bid 中標
a great variety of models 款式多樣
all-time high 歷史最高記錄
anniversary celebration 周年慶典
a ready market 暢銷
attractive and durable 美觀耐用
biannual 壹年兩次的.
coffee roaster 咖啡烘烤商
complete range of articles 品種齊全
corporate image 企業形象
crisis consciousness 危機意識
customized service 人性化的服務
grid system 系統網絡
make debuts 首次亮相
management principles 經營方針
pillar-free exhibition units 無柱展區
promotional mix 促銷組合
raise the profile 提升形象
rebate 回扣,折扣
scope and scale of the exhibition 展覽會的範圍和規模
商務英語口譯單詞2離岸加運費價 C&F (Cost and Freight)
裝運港船邊交貨價 F.A.S. (Free Alongside Ship)
目的港船邊交貨價 F.O.S. (Free over Side)
到岸加傭金 C.I.F.C. (Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission)
實/虛盤 firm/non-firm offer
現/期貨價 spot/forward price
開/收盤價 opening/closing price
批發/零售價 wholesale/retail price
凈/毛利潤 net/gross profit
現貨 spot goods
庫存有限 limited stock
嘗試性訂購 trial/try-out order
現金結算 cash settlement
信用證結算 payment by letter of credit (L/C)
到貨付款 cash on delivery (COD)
定金;首付 down payment
分期付款 payment by installments
違約 breach the contrast/agreement
貿易索賠 business claim
經營範圍 line/scope business
品牌資產 brand equity
特許專賣 franchising
獨家銷售/經銷代理 exclusive distribution/selling agency
直銷策略 direct sale strategy
促銷/營銷組合 promotional/marketing mix
電話營銷 telemarketing
集中/網絡/差異性營銷 concentrated/network/differentiatedmarketing
整合營銷傳播方式 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) approach
推銷員獎金 push money (PM)
討價還價 bargain
回傭;回扣 return commission
季節性折扣 seasonal discount
離岸價 F.O.B. (Free on Board)