當前位置:法律諮詢服務網 - 中國稅務 - 稅務及強積金



董事袍? 可以每月支付的嗎 ? 如公司老板不想供 MPF , 是否可以董事袍? 來代替呢 .. 老板的薪俸稅是否可與公司利得稅壹同申報 ? =)


請問董事袍?及董事薪酬有何分別 ?

董事袍?是公司向董事支付的酬勞,因為公司法中董事有很多責任。董事薪酬與壹個普通員工領薪酬無乜區別,在於其地位超然,可以剝削公司資源。這就是為何美國總統奧巴馬要求接受 *** 註資機構,高層薪酬要「封頂」!

對董事報稅及供強積金有什麽影響和處理上之不同 ?


董事袍? 可以每月支付的嗎 ?


如公司老板不想供 MPF , 是否可以董事袍? 來代替呢 ..


老板的薪俸稅是否可與公司利得稅壹同申報 ? =)



,請瀏覽 :

multi-trade.diytrade,Director fee 董事袍? is the remuneration a director gets just because he holds the office as a director of the pany under the Companies Ordinance. The person maynot be working full time like an employee of the limited pany. Strictly speaking, there is no such employer and employee relationship. However, this sum is liable to salaries tax under the IRO.

Director salaries 董事薪酬 is the remuneration a person gets in working in a limited pany similar to that of an employee. Because he is also a director, his remuneration is therefore named as Director's Salary. There is a employer and employee relationship and hence its remuneration is liable to salaries tax and for a deduction in the MPF.


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