Tax registration and management information systems analysis and design;
本稅務登記管理信息系統(SDGX)是以稅務機關對稅務登記業務的需求為目標,采用面向對象開發方法,應用Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0和 Microsoft Access 2003對系統進行設計與開發。
This tax registration and management information systems (SDGX) on the tax authorities to tax registration requirements for operational objectives, the use of object-oriented development approach, the application Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access 2003 for system design and development.
對於比較簡單的中小型數據庫而言,VB和Access的結合無疑是在實際應用中較為成功的壹種解決方案。前者為用戶提供了壹貫堅持的非常友好、操作簡單的用戶界面、完善而強大的數據庫操作功能(通過Visual Basic For Application與SQL 語句實現)和簡潔明了的數據庫接口;後者則可以通過Visual Basic For Application與SQL 語句的結合對數據庫進行更為復雜的操作。
For small and medium relatively simple database, VB and Access combination is more successful in the practical application of a solution. The former provides users with a consistently very friendly, simple to operate user interface, perfect and powerful database operation functions (through Visual Basic For Application and SQL statements to achieve) and simple database interfaces; the latter can be achieved through Visual Basic For Application and SQL expressions, the context of a more complex database operations.
Tax registration management information system is a subsystem of the tax collection and management information systems, consists of tax registration, certification identification, tax registration, rules processing, registration information, registration statements and registration management function modules.
The success of the system design and development will be greatly enhanced the efficiency of the registration tax, lower tax costs, shorten time taxpayers declarations make taxpayers reporting system can be implemented smoothly, but also facilitate tax authorities informed the taxpayers tax information, inspection, the judge declared the authenticity, effectively prevent tax losses.
The successful development of the system will be resolved between the tax authorities and taxpayers, and between higher and lower levels of information asymmetry that exists between tax authorities.