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United States Department of Justice

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Department of Justice

Department of Justice

Agency overview

Formed June 22, 1870

July 1, 1870

Jurisdiction Federal government of the United States

Headquarters Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building

Washington, D.C.

Employees 112,500+ (2005)

Annual Budget $43.5 billion (2007)

Agency Executives Michael Mukasey, Attorney General

Mark Filip, Deputy Attorney General



Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building, Washington, D.C.

For animal rights group, see Justice Department (JD)

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is a Cabinet department in the United States government designed to enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans (see 28 U.S.C. § 501). The DOJ is administered by the United States Attorney General (see 28 U.S.C. § 503), one of the original members of the cabinet.



* 1 Duties

* 2 History

* 3 Headquarters

* 4 Organization

o 4.1 Leadership offices

o 4.2 Divisions

o 4.3 Law enforcement agencies

o 4.4 Offices

o 4.5 Other offices and programs

* 5 Controversy and Criticism

* 6 See also

* 7 References

* 8 External links

[edit] Duties

1. Responsible for investigating and prosecuting violations of federal laws.

2. Represents the United States in all legal matters, including cases before the Supreme Court.

3. Enforces all immigration laws, provides information, and processes applications for citizenship

4. Maintains the federal prison system, halfway houses, and community programs

[edit] History

The Attorney General was initially a one-person, part-time job, established by the Judiciary Act of 1789, but this grew with the bureaucracy. At one time the Attorney General gave legal advice to the U.S. Congress as well as the President, but this had stopped by 1819 on account of the workload involved.

In 1867, the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary, led by Congressman William Lawrence, conducted an inquiry into the creation of a "law department" headed by the Attorney General and composed of the various department solicitors and United States Attorneys. On February 19, 1868, Lawrence introduced a bill in Congress to create the Department of Justice. This first bill was unsuccessful, however, as Lawrence could not devote enough time to ensure its passage owing to his occupation with the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson.

A second bill was introduced to Congress by Rhode Island Representative Thomas Jenckes on February 25, 1870, and both the Senate and House passed the bill. President Ulysses S. Grant then signed the bill into law on June 22, 1870. The Department of Justice officially began operations on July 1, 1870.

The bill, called the "Act to Establish the Department of Justice", did little to change the Attorney General's responsibilities, and his salary and tenure remained the same. The law did create a new office, that of Solicitor General, to supervise and conduct government litigation in the Supreme Court of the United States.

With the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act in 1870, the Federal government in the U.S. began to take on some law enforcement responsibilities, with the Department of Justice tasked to carry out these duties.[1]

In 1872, control of federal prisons was transferred to the new department, from the Department of Interior. New facilities were built, including the penitentiary at Leavenworth in 1895, and a facility for women located in West Virginia, at Alderson was established in 1924.[2]

[edit] Headquarters

The U.S. Department of Justice building was completed in 1935 from a design by Milton Bennett Medary. Upon Medary's death in 1929, the other partners of his Philadelphia firm Zantzinger, Borie and Medary took over the project. On a lot bordered by Constitution and Pennsylvania Avenues and Ninth and Tenth Streets, Northwest, it holds over one million square feet of space. The sculptor C. Paul Jennewein served as overall design consultant for the entire building, contributing more than 50 separate sculptural elements inside and outside.

Various efforts, none entirely successful, have been made to determine the meaning of the Latin motto appearing on the Department of Justice seal, Qui Pro Domina Justitia Sequitur. It is not even known exactly when the original version of the DOJ seal itself was adopted, or when the motto first appeared on the seal. The most authoritative opinion of the DOJ suggests that the motto refers to the Attorney General (and thus to the Department of Justice) "who prosecutes on behalf of justice (or the Lady Justice)".

The building was renamed in honor of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in 2001. It is sometimes referred to as "Main Justice."[3]

[edit] Organization

[edit] Leadership offices

* Office of the Attorney General

* Office of the Deputy Attorney General

* Office of the Associate Attorney General

* Office of the Solicitor General

[edit] Divisions

* Antitrust Division

* Civil Division

* Civil Rights Division

* Criminal Division

* Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD)

* Justice Management Division (JMD)

* National Security Division (NSD)

* Tax Division

[edit] Law enforcement agencies

Several federal law enforcement agencies are administered by the Department of Justice:

* Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)

* Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

* Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

* Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

o National Institute of Corrections

* United States Marshals Service (USMS)

* Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

[edit] Offices

* Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR)

* Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA)

* Executive Office of the United States Trustee (EOUST)

* Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management

* Office of the Chief Information Officer

* Office of Dispute Resolution

* Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (OFDT)

* Office of Information and Privacy

* Office of Intelligence Policy and Review (OIPR)

* Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison

* Office of Justice Programs (OJP)

o Bureau of Justice Assistance

o Bureau of Justice Statistics

o Community Capacity Development Office

o National Institute of Justice

o Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

o Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking Office (SMART)

o Office for Victims of Crime

* Office of the Police Corps and Law Enforcement Education

* Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)

* Office of Legal Policy (OLP)

* Office of Legislative Affairs

* Office of the Ombudsperson

* Office of the Pardon Attorney

* Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)

* Office of Public Affairs

* Office on Sexual Violence and Crimes against Children

* Office of Tribal Justice

* Office on Violence Against Women

* Professional Responsibility Advisory Office (PRAO)

* United States Attorneys Offices

* United States Trustees Offices

* Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)

* Community Relations Service

[edit] Other offices and programs

* Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States

* INTERPOL, U.S. National Central Bureau

* National Drug Intelligence Center

* United States Parole Commission

* Obscenity Prosecution Task Force

In March 2003, the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service was abolished and its functions transferred to the United States Department of Homeland Security. The Executive Office for Immigration Review and the Board of Immigration Appeals which review decisions made by government officials under Immigration and Nationality law remain under jurisdiction of the Department of Justice. Similarly the Office of Domestic Preparedness left the Justice Department for the Department of Homeland Security, but only for executive purposes. The Office of Domestic Preparedness is still centralized within the Department of Justice, since its personnel are still officially employed within the Department of Justice.

Also in 2003, the Department of Justice created the website LifeAndLiberty.gov which supported the PATRIOT ACT.[4] LifeAndLiberty.gov currently promotes reenacting the PROTECT AMERICA ACT before it expires. This web site has received criticism from government watchdog groups.[5]

[edit] Controversy and Criticism

Several current and former assistant U.S. attorneys are known to have engaged in a wide variety of criminal conduct including association with prostitution rings[6], sexual battery[7] , sexual abuse of children[8], failures to make mandatory conflict of interest disclosures[9]. A separate Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) within the DOJ is responsible for investigating attorney employees of the DOJ who have been accused of misconduct or criminal activity with respect to their professional functions as DOJ attorneys.

Former U.S. Attorney General John D. Ashcroft acknowledged challenges facing the Department of Justice:

"In the real world of limited resources, we know that we can only detect, investigate and prosecute a small percentage of those officials who are corrupt."[10]

"I remain convinced that there is no more important area in the fight against corruption than the challenge for us within the law enforcement and justice sectors to keep our own houses clean."[11]



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Department of Justice






隸屬於 美國聯邦政府

總部 華盛頓特區

雇員 112,500+(2005年)

年度預算 435億美元(2007年)

首長 邁克爾·穆凱西,總檢察長




美國司法部是美國政府的壹個部,其部長享有閣員地位。美國司法部的任務是保障法律的施行,維護美國政府的法律利益和保障法律對美國所有公民都是平等的。其部門長官不稱部長,而為美國總檢察長(U.S. Attorney General)。現任總檢察長為邁克爾·穆凱西(Michael B. Mukasey),任命案於2007年11月8日獲得美國參議院同意,隔日宣誓就職

[編輯] 歷史

1789年美國設立了總檢察長這個職務,壹開始的時候這是壹個非全日性的職務,其任務是為美國國會和總統提供法律咨詢。但隨著美國官僚機構的擴大,這個職務的工作量也不斷增大,1819年時他已無法繼續充當國會和政府的法律顧問了。1870年6月22日,美國國會決定建立壹個司法部。這個部門於1870年7月1日正式開始工作。這個部門的建立對總檢察官的任務、薪金和地位都沒有改變,在聯邦總檢察長下,另外設置聯邦總律師(Solicitor General),其任務是在法律糾紛中在美國最高法院代表美國政府,不過,在比較重要的法律案當中,仍舊由聯邦總檢察長出席審判。

[編輯] 部門

* 反壟斷局

* Asset Forfeiture Program

* 司法統計局 (BJS)

* 煙酒槍械炸藥局 (ATF)

* 民事局

* 民權局

* Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)

* Community Relations Service

* 刑事局

* 麻醉品管制局 (DEA)

o Diversion Control Program

* 環境和自然資源局

* 移民審查執行辦公室

* 美國律師執行辦公室

* 美國受托管理人執行辦公室

* 聯邦調查局 (FBI)

* 聯邦監獄管理局

o 國家刑罰協會

* 美國國外賠償清算委員會

* 國際刑警組織 -- 美國國家中央局

* 司法管理局

* 國家毒品情報中心

* 總檢察官助理辦公室

* 總檢察官辦公室

* Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management

* 副總檢察官辦公室

* 調解糾紛辦公室

* Office of Information and Privacy

* 總監察長辦公室

* Office of Intelligence Policy and Review

* 政府間事務辦公室

* 法務計劃局

o American Indian and Alaska Native Affairs Desk

o Bureau of Justice Assistance

o Community Dispute Resolution

o Corrections Program Office

o Drug Courts Program Office

o Executive Office for Weed and Seed

o 國家刑事司法文獻處 (National Criminal Justice Reference Service)

o 國家司法研究所

o Office for Domestic Preparedness

o 青少年司法和防止未成年人犯罪辦公室

o 犯罪被害人辦公室

o 婦女受害辦公室

* Office of Legal Counsel

* Office of Legal Policy

* 法制辦公廳

* 監察員辦公室

* Office of the Pardon Attorney

* Office of Professional Responsibility

* 公***事務辦公室

* 首席檢查官辦公室

* Office of Tribal Justice

* 稅務局

* 美國聯邦政府律師 U.S. Attorneys

* 美國法警 United States Marshals Service

* 美國囚犯假釋委員會 U.S. Parole Commission

* U.S. Trustee Program

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