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The European Union is a regional organization composed of more developed countries in the world,Is expanding.

The formal circulation of the euro in January 1st of this year marks a new step in the process of EU integration.

Companies, including Chinese companies, will enjoy the benefits of lower transaction costs.

It is believed that the EU's development will bring more opportunities for China EU cooperation.China's economic and trade cooperation has made gratifying achievements.The European Union has become an important trading partner of China,Chinese is the largest technology supplier

.2001,China EU trade reached $seventy-six billion and six hundred million,An increase of eleven percent over the previous year,In particular, China's imports from the EU grew by 15.8%.China introduced 1050 technical projects from EU Member States,Amount of $4 billion 400 million.By the end of 2001, the EU enterprises in China investment projects amounted to 12583, the actual investment reached 30 billion 300 million U.

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