1.法學原理(Principles of Law)
2.憲法學原理(Principles of Constitutional Law)
3.民法學原理(Principles of civil law)
4.知識產權法原理(Principles of Intellectual Property Law)
5.中國法制史(Chinese Legal History)
1.刑法 (criminal law)
2.刑事訴訟法(criminal procedure law)
3.民事訴訟法(civil procedure law)
4.行政法與行政訴訟法(administrative law and administrative procedure law)
5.經濟法(economical law)
6.國際私法(international private law)
7.國際經濟法(international economical law)
8.國際法 (international law)
9.商法(Commercial Law)
10.專利法(patent Law)
11.著作權法(copyright law)
12.商標法(trademark law)
1.知識產權評估與鑒定(evaluation and appraisal on intellectual property rights)
2.企業知識產權戰略(stratagem of an enterprise )
3.計算機技術的法律保護(legal protection for computer technology)
4.知識產權國際許可與轉讓(license and transfer of intellectual property)
5.美國知識產權法(Intellectual Property Law for U.S.A)
6.法國知識產權法Intellectual Property Law for France)
7.財政法與稅收法(Law of public finance& Law of Taxation)
8.金融法 (Financial Law)
9.香港知識產權法(intellectual property law of Hongkong.SAR)
10.臺灣知識產權法((intellectual property law of Taiwan Region)
11.世界貿易組織法(Law of WTO)
12.中西法律文化(legal culture of China and the west)
13.反不正當競爭法(the law of anti-unfair competition)
14.外國法制史(foreign legal history)
15.知識產權國際訴訟(litigation of intellectual property)
16.電子商務法(Electronic Commerce Law)
17.專利代理實務(patent agency)
18.商標代理實務(trademark agency)
19.版權代理實務(copyright agency)
20.合同法(contract law)
21.專利文獻檢索(patent literature searches)
22.網絡信息法(law of network information)
23.知識產權國際條約(international treaty)
24.知識產權發展史(The history of Intellectual Property Law)
25.科技法(scienctific and technological law)
26.證券法(negotiable securities law)
27.票據法(bill law)
28.國際政治與國際關系(international politics and relations)
29.知識產權法經濟學(economics of intellectual property law)
30.物權法(real right law)