當前位置:法律諮詢服務網 - 中國稅務 - 求各位英文達人幫忙翻譯以下崗位職責說明~!拜謝!!!


妳好,以下是對應的崗位職責說明的英語翻譯,希望對閣下有用! 跟進員工入離職手續辦理、勞動合同管理、考勤管理、日常招聘跟進等日常人事工作。

The keeping up staff enters the transfer processing to handle, the work contract management, the checking attendance management, the daily employment advertise to follow up and so on daily personnel service. 1、招聘






1st, advertises for the - classification depositing application letter, and requests according to the boss, sending a letter makes an appointment with the job seeker; - assists the examination official to complete the interview record, after will possess the qualified examinee's material to hand over the boss reexamines, arrangement physical examination and record;relates the new staff physical examination - to the locus epidemic-prevention station, finally associates with people transport charges source manager to try, to issue into the duty notice, arranges the new staff to enter the duty material; - makes an entry the new staff material registration; - goes through into the duty staff's labor contract renewal procedure. 2、跟辦新入職員工呈批手續


—跟辦批復後的資料存放及發出勞動合同給員工簽名.2nd, with manages enters the duty staff to assume newly approves procedural - to deliver to the human resources department staff personnel transfer material according to the department to handle assumes approves; - after managing gives a written reply to a subordinate the material to deposit and to issue the labor contract to the staff the signature.






3rd, the staff material files away - the current position staff family with individual material, to be transferred to another post, the salary fluctuation, the rewards and punishment material as well as the staff each kind of certificate prompt filing-up; - with manages registers staff individual material borrowing and the reclamation; - will have consummated to shop procedure staff individual material according to the surname, the year deposits in the human affairs archive office. the - keeping up staff term of contract has expired extends the work; 4、每月按離職員工情況擬出暫停計薪名單,交人力資源經理復核後送財務部辦理。

—每月月末根據員工的到職時間,備好需續約員工的合同,經酒店批準後提前壹個月發給員工簽約,同時辦理有關手續。4th, every month draws up according to the leaving job staff situation suspends counting the firewood name list, associates with people transport charges source manager to reexamine the evacuation finance department to handle. - end of the month assumes a post every month according to the staff the time, arranges must the renewing a contract staff's contract, after hotel authorization one month issues the staff ahead of time signing, simultaneously goes through the related formalities.




—定期檢查員工更衣櫃的使用情況,更換離店員工用過的更衣櫃鎖,發現問題及時上報人力資源經理處理。5th, manages the staff to change clothes cabinet - for to enter the duty staff newly, the arrangement changes clothes the cabinet, and provides the key, as well as the reclamation changes clothes the cabinet key to the shop staff; - is forgot that carries changes clothes the cabinet key's staff to provide the false key service, handles the staff to lose changes clothes the cabinet key's compensation and reissues the procedure; - the periodic inspection staff changes clothes cabinet's service condition, replaces has used to the shop staff changes clothes the cabinet lock, found that problem prompt reporting human resources manager processes.



—對遺失或損壞員工證、銘牌的員工,收取適當賠償後,為其重新制作員工證或銘牌。6th, with manages the staff to prove, data plate - is enters the duty or transfers department's staffs with to manage the staff to prove and the data plate; - to loses or damages the staff proves, data plate's staff, after the collection suitable compensation, for it manufactures the staff to prove or the data plate.



—經常查看考勤機的使用情況,及時給予維修和保養。7th, each month inspects timecard situation - to check the checking attendance table which various departments staffs submit; - examined frequently the checking attendance machine service condition, gives the service and the maintenance promptly. 8、協助跟辦員工康樂活動。

8th, the assistance with organizes the staff recreation activity.


9th, tries and records the staff vacation, like sick leave, new years vacation, leave, maternity leave, marriage leave, birth control vacation, home leave, injury on job false and so on. 10、員工工傷、生育險、社保、住房公積金等員工福利的審核、呈批、辦理等手續



10th, the staff injury on job, the birth danger, society guarantee, employee benefits' and so on housing common reserve fund verifications, to assume approve, handle and so on procedural - to handle outside the staff to examine and in hospital charges for medicine reimburse; - goes through the staff workers' compensation insurance claim formalities, with manages the staff injury on job report and the medical certificate. 11、檢查辦公室各類用具和文具的存量,及時出單補充;

11th, inspects office each kind of apparatus and stationery's storage quantity, is prompt the list to supplement; 12、 協助部門經理處理日常接待與文書傳送工作及其他臨時性工作。 Assistance divisional manager processes the daily reception to transmit the work and other temporary work with the copy clerk.

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