1. Gao, P., Chak-Lui Wong, C., Kwok-Kwan Tung, E., Man-Fong Lee, J., Wong, C-M., Oi-Lin Ng, I*. Deregulation of microRNA expression occurs early and accumulates in early stages of HBV-associated multistep hepatocarcinogenesis, Journal of Hepatology 2011;54(6):1177-84.(SCI收錄,IF=9.35)
2. Gao, P*,Wei JM, Li PY, Zhang CJ, Jian WC, Zhang YH, Xing AY, Zhou GY*.Screening of deoxyribozyme with high reversal efficiency against multidrug resistance in breast carcinoma cells. J Cell Mol Med. 2011;15(10):2130-8.(SCI收錄,IF=5.22)
3. Gao P*, Zhou GY, Zhang QH, Su ZX, Zhang TG, Xiang L, Wang Y, Zhang SL, Mu K. Lymphangiogenesis in gastric carcinoma correlates with prognosis. Journal of pathology, 2009;218(2):192-200. (SCI收錄,IF=7.42)
4. Gao P*, Yang X, Xue YW, Zhang XF, Wang Y, Liu WJ, Wu XJ. Promoter methylation of glutathione S-transferase pi1 and multidrug resistance gene 1 in bronchioloalveolar carcinoma and its correlation with DNA methyltransferase 1 expression. Cancer, 2009 115(14):3222-32. (SCI收錄,IF=5.43)
5. Gao P*, Zhou GY, Yin G, Liu Y, Liu ZY, Zhang J, Hao CY. Lymphatic Vessel density as a prognostic indicator for patients with stage I cervical carcinoma. Human Pathology, 2006;37(6):719-725. (SCI收錄,IF=3.03)
6. Gao P*, Zhou GY, Guo LL, Zhang QH, Zhen JH, Fang AJ, Lin XY. Reversal of drug resistance in breast carcinoma cells by anti-mdr1 ribozyme regulated by the tumor-specific MUC-1 promoter. Cancer Letters. 2007;256(1):81-9. (SCI收錄,IF=4.86)
7. Gao P*, Zhou GY*, Zhang QH, Xiang L, Zhang SL, Li C, Sun YL. Clinicopathological significance of peritumoral lymphatic vessel density in gastric carcinoma. Cancer Letters. 2008 18;263(2):223-30. (SCI收錄,IF=4.86)
8. Gao P*, Zhou GY*, Lei DP, Zhang XF, Li L, Xu JW, Lin XY. Selection of antisense oligonucleotides for reversal of multidrug resistance in breast carcinoma cells. Cytotherapy. 2007;9(8) 795-801. (SCI收錄,IF=3.47)
9. Gao P, Zhou GY*, Zhang QH, Li H, Mu K, Yuan YP, Zhang J, Wang BH. Reversal MDR in breast carcinoma cells by ribozyme designed according the secondary structure of mdr1 mRNA. Chinese Journal of Physiology, 2006;49(2) :96-103. (SCI收錄,IF=0.68)
10. Guo L L, Gao P* (通訊作者), Wu YG, Jian WC, Hao CY, Li H, Lin XY. Alteration of Cyclin D1 in Chinese Patients with Breast Carcinoma and its Correlation with Ki-67, pRb, and p53. Archives of Medical Research, 2007;38(8):846-52. (SCI收錄,IF=1.98)
11. Gao P*, Zhou GY, Liu Y, Li JS, Zhen JH, Yuan YP. Alteration of cyclin D1 in gastric carcinoma and its clinicopathologic significance. World Journal of Gastroenterology,2004,10(20)2936-2939.( IF=2.02)
12. Gao P*, Yang X, Zhao H. Reply to Promoter methylation of glutathione S-transferase pi1 and multidrug resistance gene 1 in bronchioloalveolar carcinoma and its correlation with DNA methyltransferase 1 expression. Cancer. 2010 Apr 1;116(7):1839.(author reply, SCI收錄,IF=5.43)
13. Gao P*, Ai-Yan Xing, Geng-Yin Zhou, Ting-Guo Zhang, Chao Gao. The molecular mechanism of microRNA-145 to suppress invasion-metastasis cascade in gastric cancer. Oncogene.2011. Accepted. (SCI收錄,IF=7.46)
14. Ai-Yan Xing, Xiao-Fang Zhang, Xiu-Quan He, Bin Wang , Wen-Jun Liu, Chao Gao, Duan-Bo Shi, Gao P* (通訊作者). miR-145 is underexpressed in manifold human cancers and might serve as a tumor suppressor. Ann Surg Oncol. 2011.Accepted. (SCI收錄,IF=4.19)
15. 高鵬, 周庚寅,張慶慧等。乳腺癌組織中多形上皮粘蛋白1表達與腫瘤侵襲力的研究。中華醫學雜誌,2005;85(6):381-384。
16. 高鵬,周庚寅等。轉染抗mdr-1核酶基因逆轉腫瘤細胞耐藥性的研究,中華病理學雜誌,2004,33(3):251-254.
17. 高鵬,周庚寅等。負向調節多藥耐藥基因1轉錄逆轉腫瘤細胞多藥耐藥。中華病理學雜誌,2003;32(6):563-566。
18. 高鵬,周庚寅等.硫化型反義寡核苷酸逆轉乳腺癌多藥耐藥的研究。中華實驗外科雜誌,2004,21(2),79-80.
19. 高鵬,周庚寅等。乳腺癌C-erbB2改變與內分泌治療敏感性及預後的關系。中國普通外科雜誌,2003,10:735-738。
20. Gao P, Zhou Geng Yin, Wu Ya Guang, et al. Expression of cyclin D1 protein in breast tumors and its relationship with genetic alteration. US-chinese journal of lymphology and oncology,2003,2:7-10.
21. 高鵬,周庚寅等.細胞表面糖蛋白表達異常與涎腺多形性腺瘤復發的關系.華西口腔醫學雜誌,2005,23(2):164-166。
22. 高鵬,周庚寅等。乳腺癌細胞周期素D1基因改變和表轉錄異常對其蛋白表達的影響。中國現代普通外科進展,2004,7:31-34。
23. 高鵬,王美清等.卵巢上皮性腫瘤多種癌基因改變及蛋白表達的研究。現代婦產科進展,2001,10:346-348。
24. 高鵬,王美清等.乳腺良惡性增生中Cyclin D1表達的研究。山東醫科大學學報,2001,39:423-425.
25. 高鵬,周庚寅. 腫瘤多藥耐藥及其基因治療。中國現代普通外科進展,2005,8(2):72-75。
26. 高鵬,周庚寅.免疫組織化學的原理及應用. 山東衛生,2003,27(3):52-53. 楊希,高鵬*,薛玉文,王妍,劉文君,張曉芳.肺腺癌中DNA 甲基轉移酶1 的表達.山東大學學報(醫學版),2009:47(1)30-33.
27. Sun Y, Zhang T, Gao P, Meng B, Gao Y, Wang X, Zhang J, Wang H, Wu X, Zheng W, Zhou G. Targeting glucosylceramide synthase downregulates expression of the multidrug resistance gene MDR1 and sensitizes breast carcinoma cells to anticancer drugs. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2010;121(3):591-9.(SCI收錄)
28. Yin G, Liu YQ, Gao P, Wang XH. Male urethritis glandularis: case report. Chin Med J (Engl). 2007;120(16):1460-1. (SCI收錄)
29. Zhang X, Li J, Qiu Z, Gao P, Wu X, Zhou G.. Co-suppression of MDR1 (multidrug resistence 1) and GCS (glucosylceramide synthase) restores sensitivity to mutidrug resistance breast cancer cells by RNA interference (RNAi). Cancer Biol Ther. 2009;8(12):1117-21. (SCI收錄)
30. Sun YL, Zhou GY, Li KN, Gao P, Zhang QH, Zhen JH, Bai YH, Zhang XF. Suppression of glucosylceramide synthase by RNA interference reverses multidrug resistance in human breast cancer cells. Neoplasma. 2006;53(1):1-8. (SCI收錄)
31. Zhang Y, Wang H, Wei L, Li G, Yu J, Gao Y, Gao P,et al. Transcriptional modulation of BCRP gene to reverse multidrug resistance by toremifene in breast adenocarcinoma cells. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2010;123(3):679-89. (SCI收錄)
32. Zhang X, Wu X, Li J, Sun Y, Gao P, Zhang C, Zhang H, Zhou G. MDR1 (multidrug resistence 1) can regulate GCS (glucosylceramide synthase) in breast cancer cells. J Surg Oncol. 2011 Oct;104(5):466-71.(SCI收錄)
33. Mu K, Li L, Yang Q, Zhang T, Gao P, Meng B, Liu Z, Wang Y, Zhou G. Detection of CHK1 and CCND1 gene copy number changes in breast cancer with dual-colour fluorescence in-situ hybridization. Histopathology. 2011;58(4):601-7. (SCI收錄)
34. ABCG2 is associated with HER-2 Expression, lymph node metastasis and clinical stage in breast invasive ductal carcinoma. Xiang L, Su P, Xia S, Liu Z, Wang Y, Gao P, Zhou G. Diagn Pathol. 2011 Sep 27;6:90. (SCI收錄)
35. 劉媛,高鵬等.胎盤細胞雕亡與胎兒生長受限的研究.中華婦產科雜誌,2002,12:721-722.
36. 周庚寅,高鵬等.疑似星形細胞瘤的脫髓鞘假瘤2例報道及文獻復習. 臨床與實驗病理學雜誌.2004.12
37. 孫妍琳,高鵬等.腫瘤細胞多藥耐藥與神經酰胺的糖基化.中國現代普通外科進展.2004,7(3):139-141.
38. 第4作者.PTEN過表達增加人乳腺癌MCF_7細胞對阿黴素的藥敏性。中華普通外科雜誌,2005,20(4):240-242.
39. 第4作者.葡萄籽多酚逆轉人乳腺癌多藥耐藥性及其機制的研究. 中華普通外科雜誌,2004,19(8):488-490.
40. 第4作者.RNA幹擾沈默缺氧誘導因子-1α逆轉乳腺癌的耐藥性. 中華病理學雜誌,2006,35(6):357-360 。
41. 第4作者. 吸煙對呼吸道上皮損傷機制的研究.中國公***衛生,2005.21(8):897-899。
42. 第4作者. HIF-1α P-gp在腋淋巴結陰性乳腺癌組織中的表達及意義.中國腫瘤臨床.2007,34(2)10-13.
43. 第4作者. 葡萄籽多酚對多藥耐藥的逆轉作用及其機制. 山東大學學報(醫學版).2004,42(4)387-389.
44. 第4作者.大鼠急性心肌梗死心肌ER表達的變化規律.中國法醫學雜誌.2005,20(2):84-85.
45. 第4作者. 體外瞬時轉染野生型PTEN過表達對乳腺癌MCF_7細胞的影響. 山東大學學報(醫學版).2005,43(3):203-207.
46. 第4作者. 原發性肝癌中HIF-1α、P-gp的表達及相關性的研究山東大學學報(醫學版).2007,45(3):246-249.
47. 第4作者. 腦皮質星形膠質細胞的純化培養. 山東大學學報(醫學版).2006,44(8):857-859.
48. 第5作者. 葡萄籽多酚對逆轉人乳腺癌細胞MCF-7/ZAIZ在裸鼠的多藥耐藥逆轉作用. 中華外科雜誌,2004,42(13)795-798.
49. 第5作者.葡萄糖神經酰胺合成酶在人乳腺癌細胞的表達及其與多藥耐藥的關系。中華病理學雜誌,2005,34(2):109-110 。
50. 第5作者. 腋淋巴結陰性乳腺癌中基因表達PTEN和微血管密度的關系及意義.中國腫瘤臨床,2005,32(5):248-251。
51. 第5作者.人乳腺癌細胞中葡萄糖神經酰胺合成酶基因的表達和意義. 中國現代普通外科進展,2005,8(3):141-143.
52. 第6作者.GCS特異性小幹擾RNA表達載體的構建及其逆轉乳腺癌細胞耐藥的研究。中華醫學雜誌,2005,85(8):518-521 。
53. 第5作者. 小分子幹擾RNA聯合反義脫氧寡核苷酸靶向逆轉人乳腺癌細胞MCF-7/ADR多藥耐藥的研究.中華乳腺病雜誌(電子版),2008,2(4):436-442 。